Loft Publications


Written by Misak Terzibasiyan (2024)

The dichotomy between form and function is front of mind in the exploration process UArchitects undertakes. It is one of a number of firms that have managed to free themselves from this dichotomy. Its architects focus on experience, perception and local culture in the architecture they design. This is remarkable in a world where every building without exception is measured by a utilitarian yardstick. In other words, buildings are judged solely on the utility they provide. The idea is for buildings to somehow make life more humane and liveable. UArchitects is interested in how people use a particular building but also in the flexible use they will make of buildings in the future. The firm explores the different ways in which buildings can be used for other functions in the future in each and every project.
Review by Harm Tilman

ISBN EN: 978-84-9936-622-7


Written by Misak Terzibasiyan (2022)

To my mind, experiencing architecture and art in person remains essential if we are to truly understand architecture and art in context. As such, the experiencing of art represents an intrinsic part of architecture, and without the deeper-lying experience of art, architecture is nothing more than building design without meaning. Art and architecture are the bridge to a sublime, transcendental insight: beauty.

Experiencing art and architecture from a distance or on social media forgoes its phenomenological meaning. The proximity and sense of physically built architecture is a personal experience that can indeed enhance the meaning of architecture and art.
My advice? Go and travel in person, explore and endeavour to study architecture and art in context. Context encompasses more than location alone; it includes other parameters such as culture, history, residents, users and atmosphere.

ISBN EN: 978-84-9936-673-9



Written by Misak Terzibasiyan (2021)

This book is written by Architect Misak Terzibasiyan for those who are interested in the experience and the meaning of architecture in general. The speed and directness with which we share new images online causes the image to flatten out because the content becomes less relevant. We are consuming each other’s ideas instead of researching and deepening the meaning of our own ideas.

ISBN EN: 978-84-9936-701-9